Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Ain't nobody happy.
I noticed that I have been losing my cool a lot lately. Frankly, the boys have really been pissing me off. Is it ok to say that about your kids? I know they are cute, but cuteness only gets you so far, trust me.
Last night I asked the oldest to do something, (now I can't even remember what it was). He ignored me, so I did the logical thing. I yelled it at the top of my lungs. Brace yourself for this, he walked away and said "shut up". And if that isn't bad enough, I said "excuse me, what did you say?" and he repeated "shut up". Before my eyes my little boy, turned into a smart mouth asshole. Sorry again, that is totally not appropriate, but accurate.
I stood there shocked. I had memories of my mom slapping me across the face, for my smart mouth. I wasn't about to do that, but what is the befitting punishment for this? I resorted to the only thing I could think of, I sent him to the naughty chair.
The naughty chair is a tiny black chair in the corner of our hallway. I got it at Ikea and it is about to collapse from over use. He made a bee line for the chair knowing he had really crossed the line. I walked away and saw my oldest, 4 years too old for that chair sitting with his head down. I decided I was going to leave him there until I cooled off.
Ten minutes later I was ready to talk. Not in these exact words, but basically I asked him WTF? His answer, not in these words was "stop busting my balls". *See previous post for origination of this phrase. He said that I didn't need to yell. I agreed. He apologized. I apologized. We hugged. We ate ice cream.
I hate it when I lose control like that. Some days that would have gotten less of a dramatic reaction from me, but unfortunately today was not one of those days.
The phrase when "mama aint happy, aint nobody happy" besides from being a grammatical disaster, has a lot of pressure attached to it. Sometimes Mama just isn't happy and sometimes she doesn't have the energy to pretend that she is.
We have started a new school this year. So far it has gone well, but because it is a private school, more of our time is required. Since Don is teaching there, I feel like the boys should be on their best behavior. Mainly because I know if the boys act out at a school function he is not going to discipline them in front of his students and especially not in front of his student's parents. I guess its his way of keeping his "private life private" or something like that. At the class pot luck we decided to be the only family at a Montessori school to bring styrofoam plates. Being a "waste-free environment" I should have known. Leave it to me to bring the most un- planet friendly plate ever created, I don't even think they make these plates anymore and now that I think of it, I think my mom found them in my Grandparents house and thought we could use them. My grandparents died over 12 years ago. Don was mortified, I offered to wash them but he didn't take me up on that. As the prayer was being said, our two year old was on the run. We should have named him Forrest because if we let him loose he would run across the country and back without a second thought, just like Forest Gump.
Maybe he had had a bad day at pre-pre-pre-school, who knows, but he was not in the mood to behave. He took off right across the room near the table with the crock pots on it. I envisioned him pulling a power cord and lentils falling on top of him scalding his entire body. I tried to run after him without being obvious, which looks more like the pink panther running and draws even more attention. I scooped him up and not only did he scream, he slapped me across the face, hard. In any other situation I probably would have been a little bit more forceful, but I could feel eyes upon me and I cooly growled "noooooo" and gave him my angry pack master face and walked outside. Once outside I let him loose like a greyhound from the starting gates.
This school is nothing but friendly, and I thought I was over reacting and nobody probably noticed anyway. Except today when I took my son on a field trip, a mother said, "Oh, were you the one chasing your boy at the potluck? Was he hungry or tired or something? " I felt like I had been slapped in the face yet again. I felt like I needed to explain that he is 2. He is a big kid and most people thing he is 3, but he is in fact 2. After a few minutes of incoherently babbling I walked away. There really isn't a good answer to that question.
There are two places that I really want the boys to act a certain way,
1.in public and
2. in my in-laws presence.
It is clear that this is an unreasonable request.
Perhaps my expectation is that they actually act like little adults. How can I have that expectation when just last night they were farting in the freezer to see if it would make fog.
Plus, what kid should act like an adult? You are only a kid for 12 years. I must admit, some of my best memories are between the ages of 6 and 11. Before I became self conscious. Before I cared what other people thought of me as I pretended to be an GI Joe in the woods.
Perhaps I have it backwards. I need to spend more time being a kid and less like an adult and less time striving for my kids to be adults.
I'm sure my super secret bunker made of twigs is still behind my parents house, I may need to retreat for awhile to remember how important just being a kid is.
"Noelle is a remarkable individual who wears many hats with grace and enthusiasm. She is an incredibly talented writer, capturing hearts with her words and evoking emotions through her captivating storytelling. Noelle's passion for writing shines through in everything she creates, and her unique perspective and creative flair make her work truly remarkable."- SB Women to Watch
One of Noelle's most notable achievements is the creation of the immensely popular show called The Mamalogues. This show featuring only women has touched the hearts of many, resonating with its relatable stories and genuine moments of laughter and tears.
"Noelle's ability to connect with her audience and create a space where people feel seen and understood is a testament to her talent and creativity."_ Leah 2016 Mamalogues alum
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